Empowerment Thought for the Week

Once a week I send out an Empowerment thought for the week. This is also posted on the Fyrelite Essence Facebook page.

Most recent post
  • OPINION: New Year’s Eve 2020
    This article may seem all doom and gloom to start with but stick with it.  We all know that you can’t change anything unless you can see clearly and honestly. So, in short and on the surface, 2020 has been a F*#K UP! We have discovered just exactly how corrupt and power hungry our governments are; ...
Previous Posts:
  • OPINION: New Year’s Eve 2020
    This article may seem all doom and gloom to start with but stick with it.  We all know that you can’t change anything unless you can see clearly and honestly. So, in short and on the surface, 2020 has been a F*#K UP! We have discovered just exactly how corrupt and power hungry our governments are; ...
  • Thought for the week: 2019-11-25
    The 7 of Swords has two aspects to it – firstly it is about things not going as anticipated, a sense of unfairness and injustice – maybe even theft and the second leads on from that.  Diplomacy is a better course of action than attack at this point.  Ganesha is the god associated with boundaries ...
  • Accreditation Ass-meditation
    Accreditation and certification says nothing more about the person than that they can regurgitate stuff that has been drilled into them. Divine energy is about flow and growth and change, accreditation places the belief of your self-worth and abilities in a piece of paper, somebody else’s assessment of you, and their opinion of your worth and has ...
  • Empowerment Thought for the Week: 02 April 2019
    We often go through our lives trying to manage and control who were are and our physical or, material experience; to avoid pain and suffering and loss. What we forget is that it is these difficult situations that lead us to our strength and power. They show us strength we didn’t know we had ...
  • Empowerment Thought for the Week: 25 – 31 March 2019
    Oliver Burkeman: This column will change your life The Positive Thinking movement was very popular a few years ago and while it had value at the time, and maybe has value to some now, the majority of the planet has moved into a higher level of awareness and we realise that it has some very ...

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