Rediscover and uncover your passion, purpose and power. This course has been completely re-written to not only include Debbie Ford’s work but also insights and guidance from Gregg Braden, Neale Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, Abraham-Hicks and my own insight and experience after working with the Shadow myself and with clients for almost 15 years.
Course Summary
- Day 1: Introduction to the Shadow and how it works
- Day 2 – 5: Exploring and working with the Shadow. Finding the way Shadow shows itself in your life, unpacking and investigating the cause of your fears. Using various exercises and discussions we identify areas in your life that you are unhappy with and look at ways and processes to ease the pain and work through the fears and blockages.
- Day 6: Take a break
- Day 7 – 12: Continuing our exploration, the focus changes to finding your power and passion and embracing everything in your life with joy, passion and excitement.