Category: podcasts
Karma is baloney, claptrap, bunk, twaddle and quite simply idiocy!
Karma is baloney, claptrap, bunk, twaddle and quite simply idiocy! The concept of Karma which is prevalent in our modern spiritual practice is one of “reward and punishment” – you get what you deserve based on your previous actions be it in this or other states of being. There is […]
Embracing The Shadow
(Note to the Editor/Reader/Quoter: The words, sentences and appropriateness of the language are specifically chosen for impact and understanding. No changes may be made to this article without the express permission of the writer. Writer’s decision is final). You are welcome to post or quote the article but the links […]
Embracing The Sacred Masculine: 26 March 2019
Notes From Live Your Truth – Heal Your Life: 26 March 2019 (The recording of the show will be added here once it is received). Please note: Although these notes will correlate with the show they are not intended as a transcription but more as an added bonus. The notes […]