Cards for the Week: 05 August 2019

I have been a bit lax with these haven’t I – sorry about that.

Passion Ignited – Spirit 1: Look into your heart and find the spark of life with-in you – it has been quite a ride the last few months – take a breath and find your center. the spark of life and creativity is within you – trust it and fan the flames. New ideas and concepts maybe coming into your awareness at this time – explore them and embrace them they are divinely guided messages. Embrace your passion and allow your soul to soar. Remember we don’t change the world by forcing others to follow us but by living our passion and letting that passion ignite the passion in others.

Accelerated Motion – Spirit – 8: Eight is the number of abundance and manifested reality – as you find your passion and creativity so your life once again moves forward, and at an accelerated pace. Take action and be who you are not what the world would force you to be. Drop from your life the people, circumstances and thoughts that keep you stuck and fly!

Balance – Major 11: Find the balance between your inner and outer life. Remember that your outer life is a reflection of your beliefs and thoughts. If your outer life is unpleasant look inward to find the source, not outward to blame others or situations. Meditate, center and ground yourself, take salt and basil baths to cleanse yourself, walk in nature, relax and release all you are holding onto out of fear and your life will automatically come into balance – the balance that is right for you not anyone else.

In Summary: An energetic and exciting time is opening up for you. Take this message as a confirmation that you are on the right track and that the challenges you are facing are created with-in you – find the beliefs and constructs that are causing this conflict and heal them and your life and soul will soar!!

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