OPINION: New Year’s Eve 2020

This article may seem all doom and gloom to start with but stick with it.  We all know that you can’t change anything unless you can see clearly and honestly. So, in short and on the surface, 2020 has been a F*#K UP! We have discovered just exactly how corrupt […]

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Karma is baloney, claptrap, bunk, twaddle and quite simply idiocy!

Karma is baloney, claptrap, bunk, twaddle and quite simply idiocy! The concept of Karma which is prevalent in our modern spiritual practice is one of “reward and punishment” – you get what you deserve based on your previous actions be it in this or other states of being.  There is […]

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Cards for the Week: 05 August 2019

Look into your heart and find the spark of life with-in you – it has been quite a ride the last few months – take a breath and find your center. the spark of life and creativity is within you – trust it and fan the flames. New ideas and concepts maybe coming into your awareness at this time

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Cards for the Week: 08 – 14 July 2019

Take a breath and stay grounded and centered both in your success and stressful times. Be patient and surrender the outcome. Make decisions and focus on the process, but don’t get stuck in it. Explore your sexuality and creativity. Become aware of blocks in these areas and clear/heal them. Mercury Retrograde: 07 – 31 July 2019…

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Cards for the Week: 24 – 30 June 2019

Beware of holding onto the past and things that no longer serve you – don’t hold onto stuff and people – let them go. It is only in letting go of the baggage that we can embrace our passions. Take some time in Sacred Silence. Breathe and feel your heart. Allow your intuition to guide you and you are assured of success, regardless of the seeming reality, breathe and move forward!!

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