Things have been a little hectic and I haven’t posted for a while – my apologies. I will do my best to keep these up to date going forward. Herewith the cards for the week 13 – 19 May.

Major 13: Transformation: One thing we can always count on is change. Everything is a cycle, and for the cycle to complete, sometimes things that no longer have value in your life need to leave. This includes people, things, and stuff that we believe we can not live without. Very often when things are taken away from us or leave our sphere we believe that “God”; “The Universe” or whatever hates us or is punishing us. This is not the case at all – sometimes we hold onto things and see our value in the outside manifestation of stuff, relationships etc. As we evolve and move these things hold us back and our Higher Selves eventually remove them from our experience. The Card of Transformation reinforces this idea.
You have the strength and courage to face this. The Transformation Card also reminds us that renewal and re-birth always follows a loss. The way you handle the loss determines what manifests in its place. Make the decision now to be and do the best you are able to do. Release what is leaving your life and look forward new beginnings.
Emotions 1: Love Begins: A new beginning and inflow of love, joy and happiness. A renewed passion and eagerness is indicated – on condition that you have released the past with love, healing and forgiveness. When past issues are resolved, and forgiven, there is space for new experiences and process to flow in. Take some time to find your center and heal past wounds so you can fully embrace the new flow of love and passion that is beginning.
Major 17: Hope: In the story of Pandora’s Box; Pandora opens a sacred box that has been placed in her keeping and in doing so releases all sorts of demons and evil into the world. She realises what she has done and slams the box closed but not before everything has escaped, except Hope. Hope keeps us going in the darkness, it lights our way and keeps us focused on the things that are important. When this card appears it indicates that your hope is going to be rewarded soon … hold on just a little longer. Use your intuition to decide what to hold on to and what to release, know that you are moving onto a better and more cycle and embrace the changes that are coming with an open heart. Don’t allow the past to dictate your future.
In Summary
The world is going through a period of Transformation and so are you, look at what brings you joy and happiness, discard what doesn’t. Be ruthless with yourself, if it doesn’t add value to your life, let it go, grieve its passing and move forward. Embrace the new energy coming into your life and forgive those people and situations that have hurt you in the past. Remove them from your awareness and focus on the new and exciting things coming into your life.
Have an awesome week and be blessed