Card of the Week: 25 – 31 March 2019

I have decided to do a card for the week rather than one a day – it is getting a bit hectic. So herewith the card for the Week 25 – 31 March 2019:

If things are not manifesting for you; it is time to ask “What am I not prepared to do to achieve my goal?”  Very often we need to let go of things to be able to move forward. By surrendering and letting go of cherished outcomes and desires and allowing the Spirit of Love to flow in our lives we open ourselves to unbelievable joy and abundance. 

This card reminds us to let go of damaging beliefs of ourselves, material possessions that no longer benefit us or that bring heavy energy into our world, grudges and past hurts etc. The reward for this is gratitude, healing, abundance, wisdom and joy. Stand back from the emotional turmoil for a bit and allow things to flow.  Everything is a cycle, everything changes, this is they way things work in this reality – stop fighting it and allow your spirit to guide you to a brand new way of being.  Pause and reflect, look inwards and allow the stuff that you are defining yourself with to go!! 

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